Botox Treatment and Why you need to Opt for It

Botox Treatment and Why you need to Opt for It

Botulinum toxin, commonly known as Botox, is a substance created by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This natural toxin has important muscle relaxation properties helping limit muscle contraction locally. In aesthetic medicine, it's especially for the treatment of wrinkles that it is commonly used and noted for its effectiveness.
Botox is thus the treatment of choice for reducing wrinkles on your face and refreshing the eyes. The effects of Botox are reversible, and its particular duration of action is about 6 months, less sometimes, with respect to the patients for a lasting result. Therefore, several injections are important, and their number is to be defined with your doctor. Botox is also utilized in medicine in other disciplines to fight against sweating or to reduce spasms. With Botox Dubai solutions
What exactly is skin aging?

Skin aging is the first basis for consultation in aesthetic medicine. The maturing of the skin is really a natural and physiological phenomenon, and no one escapes it. However, it really is variable based on the individual and is dependent upon age but also on several factors for example menopause, sun exposure, smoking, sugar, or even air pollution. The very first signs of aging of the skin generally appear across the eye area since the skin is fragile and thin in this field. Wrinkles may start to appear since the age of 25. Crow's feet wrinkles (or periorbital wrinkles) are due to repetitive expressions evidently, they are called expression wrinkles. In the NEO Dubai, you'll find it all happening.
From the age of to go through aesthetic medicine?
Skin naturally contains acid hyaluronic, which gives it a firm and elastic appearance. From your age of 25, the degree of hyaluronic acid decreases, and the first aging process appear. In this same period of life, our body also experiences a stop by collagen production, the role of which is to guide and solidify the skin.
There is not really a specified age for turning to aesthetic medicine. The remedy thus remains recommended in the case of the appearance of negative physical signs. However, it's not recommended, except in very specific cases, to turn to aesthetic medicine prior to the age of Twenty years.
The benefits of cosmetic medicine for facial rejuvenation
In the event of sagging skin, aesthetic medicine plays an essential role in rejuvenating the face and toning the look. More and more people are using it since it is an alternative medicine, generally less invasive and fewer risky than surgery, little pain or perhaps painless, and most importantly very effective. The acts of aesthetic medicine allow in the majority of cases the conservation of your social and career since general anesthesia is not required. Contrary to popular belief, cosmetic drugs are an advantageous option which has nothing to do with plastic surgery. Indeed, there aren't any postoperative effects, and unwanted effects are rare. At Lucia Clinic, they provide the best treatment for one.
Fresh and toned eyes: is Botox for that eye area effective?
Botox injections have been used for over Two decades in aesthetic medicine, as well as the results are excellent and visible very quickly. Botulinum toxin makes it possible to regain a less dull and fewer tired look. Botox is very effective for crow's feet wrinkles near the eyes. Thanks to their muscle relaxant action, Botox treatments reduce the action with the "lowering" muscles located on the upper part of the face and therefore are responsible for wrinkles around the eyes.